How to Get Research Funding from Industry

The interactive workshop that gives postdocs control over

one of their biggest worries…research funding!

(online or in-person)

Industry funding for academic research is a lucrative option that more scientists are embracing every year.

These 21st century researchers find that they are building lasting relationships with companies who can help them expand their groups, identify commercially applicable research directions, and even provide job opportunities for their graduating students!

This workshop provides practical advice on how to identify and build valuable private sector research collaboration from an instructor with more than 25 years’ experience working as a scientist in industry.

Workshop Content:

Industry collaboration overview

·            The many benefits of private sector collaboration

·            Guidelines for building a successful collaboration

Navigating the differences between industry and academia

·            How to successfully navigate the culture differences

·            Where can a researcher bring unique value to the private sector

·            Balancing basic and applied research in your group

Intellectual property and models for working together

·            How companies manage intellectual property

·            How to make sure you can still publish with industry funding

·            Breakdown and analysis of 4 successful collaboration models

Positioning your research group as an industry partner

·            Making connections with influencers in the private sector

·            Communicating your research group’s value to an industry contact

·            How companies operate: Project management and finance basics

Building your industry funding plan

·            Determine the strengths your group has to offer

·            Define your industry target

·            Outline your collaboration action plan

‘The content in How to Get Research Funding from Industry was informative, practical, and clearly structured. The content built on itself in such a way that at the end of the workshop I had a complete plan for a promising collaboration with industry.’

- Postdoc at the University of Bonn

Workshop Instructor:

David M. Giltner, PhD – Founder and CEO of TurningScience

David has spent more than twenty years developing cutting-edge photonics technologies into commercial products in the fields of optical communications, remote sensing, directed energy, and scientific instrumentation. In 2017 he started TurningScience to provide training and support for scientists of all disciplines seeking to enter the private sector as employees, collaborators, or entrepreneurs.

David is the author of the books Turning Science into Things People Need: Voices of Scientists Working in Industry and It’s a Game, not a Formula: How to Succeed as a Scientist Working in the Private Sector and is an internationally recognized speaker and mentor on the topics of technology commercialization, product development, and career design. David has a BS and PhD in physics and holds seven patents in the fields of laser spectroscopy and optical communications.